Why a diploma is better than a degree?

Why a diploma is better than a degree?

Higher education is necessary for students to make a bright career in the future. After completing intermediate, most of the students get confused in choosing between diploma course and degree course. Many of them do not even have ideas about colleges or universities which offer these types of courses. But one thing is definite that be it diploma or degree, students are conferred with it on the successful completion of the course.

In today’s competitive job market, it is mandatory to have a degree or diploma as the impact of it on earning potential increases. To know which of both offers more job opportunities, one should know the difference between a degree and a diploma. And why, a diploma is better than a degree?

What is a degree?

A degree is the long-term course of usually 3-4 years for graduation. It is the most opted course after completing intermediate. Obtaining a degree improves career opportunities and helps in higher earnings. Only recognised universities and colleges issue degrees. Degree courses are comparatively expensive and time-taking.

What is a diploma?

A diploma is a short-term course of usually 1-2 years. The diploma focuses on training a student in a particular field. A student can take admission in diploma just after completing his/her matriculation. The diploma can be done from an educational institution or a recognised university. This course trains students to get more practical knowledge as compared to a degree course.

The diploma is less expensive and consumes less time than a degree course. There are three types of diploma courses in which students can enrol for part time diploma, graduate diploma and post-graduate diploma.

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Benefits of diploma:

A diploma course is manifolds better than a degree course. There are a few good reasons to opt for a diploma over a degree.

  • Time Duration: A diploma course takes half of that time which is needed to complete a degree course. The benefit of this course is that a student gets a chance to start his/her earning earlier.


  • Fewer tuition fees: The cost of pursuing a diploma course is way cheaper than a degree course. People with less financial capacity can also pursue their studies as fewer tuition fees will not limit them to complete their education.


  • Job-ready: The diploma course is more practical and technical while the degree course is more theoretical. There is a huge requirement of technically skilled people in the contemporary job market, hence, the opportunity of getting jobs easily is higher.


  • Early earning: A diploma gives an upper hand when an individual wants to start working early for the substantial experience. A person with more experience is always preferred over others and if someone starts earning early then he/she will have more market value as compared to the person with less experience. Hence, he/she will have increased access to career opportunities.

Opting for a diploma course over the degree is better for those students who want to start earning at the earliest. However, it all depends on personal interest but if you want more rewarding opportunities and stability then make a well-informed decision by pursuing a diploma course.


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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