Your Comprehensive Guide to Central Government Exams and Latest Govt Jobs

Government jobs are one of the most sought-after career options in India. The perks, job security, and the opportunity to serve the nation make it a popular choice among job seekers. However, getting a government job requires clearing competitive exams conducted by various government bodies. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to upcoming government exams and the latest govt jobs.

Central Government Exams

Central Government conducts various exams for job aspirants every year. Some of the popular central government exams are:

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC): UPSC conducts exams like Civil Services, Indian Forest Service, Engineering Services, Combined Defence Services, National Defence Academy, Naval Academy, and Central Armed Police Forces.

Staff Selection Commission (SSC): SSC conducts exams like Combined Graduate Level, Junior Engineer, Stenographer, Multi-Tasking Staff, and Constable (GD).

Railway Recruitment Board (RRB): RRB conducts exams for various positions in the Indian Railways like Assistant Loco Pilot, Technician, and Group D posts.

National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD): NABARD conducts exams for Assistant Managers and Development Assistant posts.

Latest Govt Jobs

Apart from the central government exams, various state government exams and jobs are also available. Some of the latest govt jobs are:

Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC): PPSC has released notifications for various posts like Junior Engineer, Sub Divisional Engineer, and Block Primary Education Officer.

Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board (TNUSRB): TNUSRB has released notifications for the recruitment of Sub Inspector of Police (TK, AR, and TSP).

Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC): HSSC has released notifications for various posts like Constable, Sub Inspector, and Gram Sachiv.

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Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL): UPPCL has released notifications for the recruitment of Junior Engineer Trainee and Assistant Engineer Trainee.


The above-mentioned exams and jobs are just a few examples of the many opportunities available in the government sector. Aspirants must keep themselves updated with the latest notifications and apply for exams accordingly. A systematic and focused approach towards preparation is necessary to clear these exams. With dedication and hard work, anyone can crack the Upcoming government jobs and secure a fulfilling career in the public sector. We hope this comprehensive guide helps you in your journey towards a successful career in the government sector.


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.