8 Genius Ways to Get Likes on Your Instagram Posts

8 Genius Ways to Get Likes on Your Instagram Posts

Instagram is a very competitive platform because there are scores of creators vying for likes and followers. To become famous on the platform, you need to be able to get a higher number of likes on your posts.

Here are 8 genius ways to do just that:

  1. Share Only High-Quality Posts

This is one of the most basic points for anyone who’s looking to become popular on Instagram. However, you’ll be surprised to know how many people forget about this and become careless with the content they post on their feed.

Blurry photos, low-quality videos, and other tardy posts will make people lose interest in your profile. Posting high-quality photos and videos on your account will keep your followers happy and you will definitely get more likes on your posts.

  1. Boost Engagement on Your Account

The more people you engage with, the more people will tend to come across your posts and as a result, your likes will increase. If your engagement is limited, a lot of your followers won’t be interested in going through your posts which would mean that you will get fewer likes than you desire.

You should reply to comments under your posts, comment on posts of other people, and ask questions in your captions so that people spend more time on your posts.

  1. Keep Your Target Audience in Mind

Knowing your target audience is crucial if you want to get famous on Instagram. When you are fully aware of who it is that will consume the content that you create, you’ll be able to craft posts that will be more relatable for them.

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When your target audience finds your posts related to their interests, they will definitely like them and thus, your likes will increase. If your posts are not crafted while keeping the target audience in mind, you will fail to impress them and get less likes.

  1. Use The Right Hashtags

A very underrated way to get more likes on Instagram is to use proper hashtags! Not only is using correct hashtags important for getting more likes, but they are crucial for the rest of your Instagram strategy as well. Using hashtags on your posts result in increased engagement.

It is a good idea to come up with 25-30 hashtags that describe your posts and the type of account you run. Doing this will increase your reach which will ultimately translate into more likes.

  1. Keep Posting Consistently

You can’t get more likes if you don’t post in the first place! Your audience needs to see your posts on their feeds on a regular basis. This will allow them to engage more with your content which will result in an increase in the number of likes you receive.

If you’re not consistent with your posts, your reach will also drop. And then, when you do post on Instagram, the number of likes will not be up to your expectations. Create a posting schedule and stick to it. Try to create quality posts at least 1-3 times every day.

  1. Use Instagram Stories Regularly

A staggering 500 million daily active users view Instagram stories regularly. This massive number makes it important to focus on stories as well.

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With the help of Instagram stories, you can broadcast your posts to all of your followers. This will lead to an increased engagement on your post and lead to you getting more likes. Make sure that you include your posts on your stories for seamless access for the viewers.

  1. Buy Likes

A great way to increase the number of likes on your posts is to buy Instagram likes and comments. Doing this will allow you to legally get real accounts to like your posts. You will be able to get your desired number of likes pretty easily.

  1. Cross-Promote on Other Platforms

Not everyone will be able to see all of your posts on Instagram for various reasons. This makes it important to take every measure possible to promote your post on different platforms to get as wide a reach as possible.

You should post links to your Instagram account and your latest posts on your other social media profiles. This will give you a bigger platform to promote the posts and get more likes.

Following these tips will allow you to get a higher number of likes and become famous on Instagram!


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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