Digital Marketing Agency- Key Factors to Look Out for in 2022

Digital Marketing Agency- Key Factors to Look Out for in 2022

If there’s something that 2020 taught most is you can never be too prepared for the future. The pandemic saw businesses close and customer behavior change. For companies that remained afloat, it was a race against time to adapt to the latest trends.

With these kinds of changes, 2021 has seen marketers adopt new strategies. It is no longer about just building an online presence but also being ready to change. 

For example, there has been an increase in video content. Most brands have had to build platforms on YouTube and TikTok. Businesses that have gone ahead and included videos in most channels have, in return, had better engagements. 

This, therefore, means that growth in digital marketing depends on flexibility. It relies on the ability to swing to newer technologies.

In 2022, a lot of focus will be on adapting to upcoming trends. Because of this, there are factors which reputed digital marketing agency lookout in order to increase business online.

1. Emphasis on Content Marketing

Content marketing supports the efforts of a eco friendly marketing agency It helps in determining positions on Search Engine Result Pages(SERP). Through proper content marketing, a brand can attain and maintain top positions. There are some companies like Livelongdigital that provide the best content marketing services.

Additionally, content marketing builds authority. It supports an excellent agency in building a good name. It also retains customers for the long-term success of the business. 

In 2022, we look forward to focused content marketing plans. A great emphasis will be on the 70:20:10 rule of digital marketing solutions. 

Based on the rule, 70% will be the marketing strategies that serve the business’s core purpose. This could be aspects such as link building services. It could also factor in your guest posting opportunities.

In the guest posting services, aspects such as the placement of links could come into play. The purpose of this is to ensure that all content marketing efforts complement each other. 

For example, when placing guest posts on high-authority sites, it’s vital to have your links at the top positions. This is because backlinks in the upper places promise better traffic. 

So, in the 70 percent strategy, you will be working on tasks with higher chances of conversion. These can also include PPC or SEO digital marketing for long-term growth. 

For the 20%, you will be dealing with aspects that push companies beyond their comfort zone. If, for instance, you have been focusing on blog posts, you can shift to viral videos. The 20% rule helps brands realize opportunities they had but never knew they needed. 

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In our mentioned example, viral videos can increase traffic a lot faster. In addition, it’s also engaging. It attracts a large number of visitors which in turn improves ROI. 

Lastly, we have the 10% factor. This aspect helps an agency dive into the world of the unknown. This can be issues like changing your page structure. 

For instance, if you always have a specific content style, you can try something different. From the analytics, you can then confirm if the new strategies are bringing new numbers. 

The purpose of the experimentation is mostly to bring a new client base. That’s why it focuses on riskier methods of reaching targets. The benefit of this is that it opens opportunities you may have missed with other strategies.  

2. Implementing a Hybrid Approach in Interactions

Online interactions did pretty well during the onset of the pandemic. But with developments in vaccination, there’s a great divide between online and physical engagements. 

To ensure that the online customer experience is maintained, agencies can adopt technologies such as VR and AR

For instance, Volvo uses a VR app to minimize the need to visit a dealership store. The technology allows clients to have an immersive test drive using their smartphones and headset. The app is so intense that it offers clients a feel of the actual road drives. 

For buyers, the app offers freedom of choice. The fantastic experience also opens opportunities for referrals. For Volvo, VR serves as a win for both online and offline clients.

On the other hand, Walmart and Lego are using AR to display how the toys work. By using the app, you can scan the barcodes and observe the toys fight. AR works by projecting events on a smartphone screen to give viewers a wholesome gaming experience. 

In 2022, we expect more agencies to take on VR and AR technology. Brands can use the technology for both in-house and client communication. By using reality technology, an agency gives real-life experiences of its products and services. 

Additionally, 2022 could see better personalization of the technology. This way, there will be better engagement and targeted visualization of all products. 

3. Predict Intent with AI

AI-powered technologies, such as chatbots, have been in use for some time. They have helped give quick replies to queries. 

In other instances, AI has been relevant for predicting buyer intent. By combining it with Machine Learning, AI can tell a buyer’s next action. 

In 2022, more focus will be on the use of AI with SEO. Most digital marketing specialists will use it to predict a customers’ buying journey. 

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Using AI and SEO, agencies can then create buyer personas. They can then use this information to segment marketing campaigns. 

The purpose of using AI and SEO is to deliver solutions to the right audience. It also helps in providing experiences that will keep clients coming back. 

But here’s the catch. To successfully use AI, there’s still a need for human touch. So, as you shift to the latest technology, remember to factor in the role of human interactions. 

4. A Focus on Mobile Users

Accessible interactions will be a crucial determinant in conversions. In 2022, mobile responsiveness will drive more sales. 

For digital marketing platforms, this means a focus on mobile-friendly elements. This can be in the form of smaller layouts that fit into tinier screens. The features could also be menus that are easier to click on in smaller spaces. 

In 2022, there will be a significant improvement in existing mobile phone concepts. Needless to say that these developments will also introduce better content for mobile users. 

5. More Conversions with Marketing Automation

A business that replies to messages on time or delivers on time benefits from returning clients. And return clients have been known to drive massive growth in business.  On the other hand, nurturing leads promises sales. 

The purpose of automation is to convince previous visitors of your commitment to serve. By using automation, you can quickly convert promising leads. 

Some digital marketing services you can automate include;

  • Emails to clients
  • Social media posts
  • Website content
  • Data compiling tasks
  • Emails for guest posting services.

In 2022, we expect more development in marketing automation tools. This, in turn, will give agencies more time to concentrate on other hands-on goals. 

6. Third-Party Cookies Strategy

For quite some time now, businesses have used third-party cookies to individualize ads. Unfortunately, this will soon end. Google has announced that it will no longer support third-party cookies from 2022.

For agencies, this means looking for alternative ways of understanding their visitors. Marketers will have to learn new ways of collecting customer data. 

For the most part, agencies will have to interact closely with consumers. They will have to carry out surveys to determine needs. 

In addition, brands will have to be more transparent with how they use collected data. This way, they build trust and loyalty in their businesses.

Alternatively, businesses can make good use of first-party data. This will help agencies get the information they need without abusing the concept of data privacy. 

Wrapping Up

A lot has changed in the past years. A lot more is still happening and will continue to change in digital landscapes. In 2022, we expect more changes in customer acquisition, data collection, and business management. 

We look forward to technology that transforms digital platforms. It’s a world full of possibilities, and we expect innovations that bring complete digital transformations.


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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