How Digital Technology Is Changing The Face Of Education  

How Digital Technology Is Changing The Face Of Education   

Education is an important aspect to enhance your knowledge. It helps to mold, upgrade, and give your life the right direction and build a better version of each one of you. We all know how important education is for us and the societies’ betterment. I am sure all of us will agree that every minute spent in educating ourselves is countable and worthy.

Education can also be termed as the father of all digital technologies. Unless and until we are educated we will not be able to develop and adopt the various digital technologies, which are being developed and enhanced for us with the passage of each day. These technologies are working toward the upgrading of all the numerous sectors of our life, education also being one among them. So we can say, “The technologies developed by education are being used for education.” These digital technologies are instantly boosting and changing the face of education.

1. Immeasurable information

Nowadays you just need to be eager to learn and you can get the information about any topic online. You just have to enter your inquiry on the search engines and you will be amazed to see the vast ocean of knowledge open in front of you about that topic. So no more excesses like “What to learn?”, “Where to learn?”, “How to learn?”’, and so on. You just need to have the will to learn and you are all set to earn knowledge and gather more and more education. Technology is changing the face of education by satisfying your quench for knowledge.

2. Self-assessment tests

Once you have gained knowledge about a particular subject it is but obvious that you will be wanting to assess yourself. Now with the technology changing the face of education, you do not need to worry about this. You have a series of mock tests available online on almost any topic you can think of. These tests are so advanced that they will help you understand where you stand by providing instant results and also guide you for your betterment of knowledge on that particular topic. So, why to worry, just be sportive, take the test and know where you stand.

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3. On the go knowledge

Technology has changed the very face of education. Now you do not need to go to schools or the teachers physically to attain education. You can attain knowledge from anywhere at any time, through virtual means. This ensures you are not deprived of education because of the inability to be present at a particular place at that particular time. For instance, a very important topic is being discussed in your school and you are not able to attend your classes due to some unavoidable circumstances. Do not worry technology will come forward to help you. You can view the videos and material uploaded on that topic by being at home/ any other place. So, we can say that technology changing the face of education has brought the schools and knowledge to your doorsteps.

 4. Learning with fun

The traditional method of education included lots and lots of books. It would sometimes become boring for the students to go through the bundle of books. But technology has changed the very face and package of education. Nowadays the teachers can make learning fun by including photos, images, audios, videos, animation, and so on in the course material. Technology has also opened up ways for interactive learning, where you can clear your doubts as and when it pops up in your mind while learning online. Moreover, it is seen that learning by using technology is not only fun but it creates a more clear impact on your mind for a longer period.

 5. Learning at your own pace

We all admit that the learning capacity of each individual is different. Few are quick learners whereas few are a bit slow ones. Moreover, for the very intellectual ones also few topics seem to be quite tricky and they have to go through that particular topic time and again. Now no need to worry about who will teach you the same topic so many times, or how to ask the same doubts again and again, till the concepts are thoroughly clear to you. Technology changing the face of education comes to your rescue. It allows you to go through the same material any number of times and at your own convenient pace till you become thoroughly confident about the particular topic.

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 6. Cost-effectiveness

Many times it is seen that you desperately want to read a book or want a model or poster or other learning materials but seeing the cost you try to let go of your idea of owning it as it is out of your budget. It also happens that you want to enroll for a particular course but as it becomes a burden on your pocket, you cannot pursue it and your talent and determination go waste. Technology has changed the face of education and also curtailed the cost of education. Now you can get all such educational materials online and also register for most of the courses you want to pursue online at a very minimal cost. Now your financial position will never come in your way to pursue education.

7. Global exchange of knowledge

Technology has paved the way for globalization. People from different geographical areas can connect easily and economically. This has helped broaden the spread of knowledge to unlimited boundaries. Students sitting at different places can view, edit, and share information on shared spreadsheets, Google Docs, and so on. One can share educational material using various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and so on.

Technology has changed the face of education in such a way that even the students of rural areas can access the same standard of education as is accessed by the urban and more advanced areas students. The online courses, e-books, and online learning programs are helping students from rural areas widen their knowledge resulting in their overall development and making them capable of cracking many competitive exams.

The above listed are only a few examples of how technology is changing the face of education. The list is so vast that it cannot be compiled by anybody. We can have an endless composition on this aspect. I would now like to wind up by saying a few last but not the least words. ”Education and technology always go hand in hand. Education is the foundation of all technology and technology helps to uplift education. Using the technology you can always satisfy your thirst for education and widen your horizons of knowledge.”




Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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