How to Make an App like UBER in 2021: Process, Cost, and Tips

How to Make an App like UBER in 2021: Process, Cost, and Tips

Do you want to create a car-pooling app identical to Uber? Then, how can you proceed further? So, here we are going to discuss how you can develop an app like Uber and start your car-pooling business.

Uber comes in the second position in implementing innovation after SpaceX. The establishment has got enough popularity in different parts of the world. Currently, it is running its operations in over 80 nations that include more than 900 cities. According to Statista 2019 data, the global revenue of Uber has been observed around 14 billion. The best part is that its business model is followed through small business setups to ensure success for them.

The approach of the Uber taxi app is quite simple. It first identified the problem and then proposed a suitable solution to solve it. To resolve the issue, it completely changed the way people used to think about taxi-booking services. Because of the feasible features, everyone is conveniently using Uber.

Initially, people followed a long process for hiring a taxi and used to wait for a long time at the taxi stand. That time can be saved now with an app like Uber. The specific application digitized the whole booking process and made ride-sharing easy, more transparent, and affordable.

If you are looking to develop an app the same as Uber, you can consider using the required set of features you need to integrate into your carpooling app, a method to build them, including the tech stack, and the pricing structure.

What is the work process of Uber?

Before building an identical app like Uber, let’s understand the way it works:

  • Firstly, a customer will enquire about the ride using the app.
  • It is now essential for the user to enter the existing location and the drop destination before booking the car.
  • After that, it is required for them to select the car type and the payment mode.
  • In the next step, the customer gives confirmation related to the pickup location.
  • the app will search for the nearest available drivers.
  • The driver may accept or ignore your ride request. In case one driver declines your request, it will automatically transfer to the next one who is present in a nearby location
  • When your ride is complete, its fee can be automatically deducted from the payment account you have added. You can either select the online payment mode or even pay them in cash based on your preference.
  • In the end, customers can provide ratings for the riding service. This helps other riders to select the best driver and get better experiences.
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Resources needed for developing an app like Uber:

Developing a carpooling app is not possible without hiring an efficient app-building team. You must employ an all-rounder app development professional group to fulfill your project goals. Have a look at the list of trained people you need to appoint:

  • Android app developer
  • UI/UX designers
  • iOS app developer
  • Backend developer
  • Business Analyst
  • Quality Assurance Analyst
  • Project Manager

The process involved in developing an application similar to the Uber mobile app:

Identifying needs

The particular step involves understanding client requirements and needs to come up with effective solutions.

Preparing a blueprint

The particular step involves preparing the foundation of a mobile app whether it is documentation, timelines, initial system designs, or building wireframes, etc.

App Development

For building to create an app like uber, the outsourced development team creates a ride-sharing app using their coding skills. After every stage, you review the work that has been completed and it gets updated according to your feedback.

App testing

During the testing process, the app tester tests all the features and their final solution.


It is an important phase where your app is launched in the app store and reaches your desired audience.

After support

At this point of time, the development team provides support for the app maintenance. It helps the app to cope with the latest changes in technologies.

What is the cost to develop an Uber-like App?

The cost factor to develop a mobile application is based on different aspects. This includes the complexity of an app, types of features, the developers’ location, hourly rates, etc. Some of the major factors that decide the taxi app development cost are:


The list of features you want in your app affects the overall cost. An app can have endless features including both basic to complex ones. The procedure of creating a ride-sharing app normally starts with MVP. It includes rider/passenger and admin applications but with fewer features.

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The Uber taxi app has been developed following the same process. In the initial phase, the app has not any cost splitting or gamification features. Its main motive was to connect passengers to the drivers with a payment option. Uber was successful in achieving the target.

Organization’s type

The existing position of a business determines the kind of solution it needs. Suppose, a firm that is running a taxi booking service currently would be interested to go for mobile apps having features of its internal operations. Then, large capital investment would be needed for it.

But when it is about a startup taxi booking company, they would be interested to develop a mobile app with limited functions just to fulfill their basic business requirements. So, the taxi app development cost will automatically go down.

Platform selection

Businesses always get confused in choosing a suitable app development platform. An app like Uber was previously meant to be built for the iOS platform as it got enough popularity in western countries. Now, the app is compatible with all platforms.

If an establishment doesn’t have a limited budget issue, going for cross-platform app development is great. But, it is suitable to go for the MVP version when a firm is on a tight budget.


Choosing technology also decides the cost of app development. The more advanced technology you use, the more you need to pay.

Let’s have a look at data provided by Statista to know the average development rate for distinctive locations in the world:

  • India — $10-80 hourly pay
  • UK — $60-150 hourly pay
  • North America: $60-250 hourly pay
  • Western Europe — $40-120 hourly pay
  • Eastern Europe — $20-100 hourly pay

Summing Up

Even though the uber taxi app has been established in the industry and will continue to expand globally, new players can still grab the opportunity to flourish in the industry. By identifying the target audience and following the exceptional value proposition, they can even create a beneficial monetization strategy.

Author Bio

Erma Winter is a senior Android app developer at MobileCoderz. She holds many years of experience in providing taxi booking and other industry-based on-demand app solutions. She has exposure to designing apps on both Android and iOS platforms. Apart from that, she has a keen interest in sharing his technical knowledge by writing posts for businesses that are looking for effective resolutions to boost their projects.

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Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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