Is programming difficult? Getting Started in 2023: A Guide

Is programming difficult? Getting Started in 2023: A Guide

One of the most important talents to succeed in today’s technologically advanced environment is programming. But for those who are just getting started, learning programming can seem intimidating.

However, programming might appear to be a daunting and impenetrable discipline, raising the question, “Is programming difficult to learn?” Learning to code is not difficult, courses in web development can assist you to take baby steps and start learning scratch.

Many new concepts, including functions, loops, and variables, must be learned. Then there are the languages. But how to find courses in web development? Can you get in if you don’t have a college degree in a relevant field? How to learn coding easily? Continue reading to discover.

Which programming concept is the most difficult to learn for students

This article post will walk you through the fundamentals of programming.

What Makes Learning Programming Difficult?

The fundamental cause of programming’s reputation as being challenging to learn is the complexity of the instructions that computers can comprehend. No human language, including English, can be used to program computers. Computer programmers need to learn a range of computer languages depending on the project they’re working on.

For instance, Java is thought to be the most well-liked programming language for creating mobile applications.

Other factors that make programming challenging to learn include:

  • Numerous well-liked programming languages exist, and more are developed daily. Choosing a language or languages to learn is challenging due of their flexibility.
  • You must comprehend the vocabulary of the programming language you are using in order to write code. This can be challenging if you lack a technical background or are unfamiliar with a foundation programming language such as C.
  • Resources are scarce. There are several online resources for programming education, but they are not always easy to find or utilize. Finding the finest resource to learn programming, on the other hand, makes it tough for beginners to get started.
  • Difficulty comprehending logic. To develop code, you must understand and use logical assertions. Certain notions may be difficult to grasp if you are not used to working with complicated abstract concepts.
  • Programming is widely regarded as one of the most difficult disciplines to master. Given how different it is from traditional types of instruction, such as college degrees in computer science, it’s easy to see why some people struggle to learn how to code.

How Do You Begin Programming?

  1. Create Your Foundation

Understanding the fundamentals is always necessary while learning something new. It will take some time, but perseverance is essential because you must first master the fundamentals before moving on.

The following are some fundamental programming topics:

  • Basic Variable Declaration Syntax
  • Data Structures and Data Types
  • Flow Control Structures (Loops and Conditions)
  • Functional Programming (FP)
  • Object-Oriented Design
  • Algorithms for Debugging IDEs
  • Coding Environments

You should also learn about different sorts of programming languages, such as:

  • Language for procedural programming. To solve problems, this language employs a set of methods. The code is written in a sequential manner, and the output is generated once the code has been executed.
  • Language for object-oriented programming. Objects are used to design applications in this language. It allows you to develop reusable code modules and easily enhance an application’s functionality.
  • Language for functional programming. To address difficulties, such a language employs functions. It makes no use of loop structures, and variables are not allowed to modify their values.
  • Language for declarative programming. This language is used to make inquiries. It is mostly employed in database systems. This language is simple to learn because it has a restricted set of commands. You can begin learning a specific programming language once you have a basic understanding of these ideas.

When you first begin, it is critical to select the appropriate programming language. Starting with a programming language that you enjoy will make it easier for you to progress.

  1. Utilize Free Resources

You can use free resources like online tutorials, forums, ebooks, and articles if you don’t want to spend money studying programming right away.

The primary disadvantage of using free materials is that you will not have a personal tutor to assist you when you get stuck. However, most of the time, you can get advice from other students through online forums or social media groups. There are many interview preparation resources available online too, such as DSA interview questions  etc, to get into tech.

Another alternative is to watch YouTube video tutorials. This is a wonderful approach to quickly learn about a given topic. For instance, YouTube channel such as Geekster guides you through a range of topics, including SQL, interview preparation, Java DSA Interview Questions – Arrays, and others.

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The Beginner’s Guide to Front-End Programming by Springboard is a free resource that teaches you how to develop web pages. You’ll also have a solid foundation in CSS, HTML, and JavaScript after completing this free course.

  1. Take a Course

Taking an online programming course is another excellent option to gain fundamental programming knowledge. It takes time and work, but if you are prepared to put in the effort, you will soon become a coder. Furthermore, online courses provide mentorship from industry experts who will guide and support you along your learning journey.

A coding bootcamp will introduce you to a fast-paced learning environment and help you learn coding easily. You’ll be in a classroom atmosphere in the comfort of your own home, and you’ll also have access to mentors, who are working professionals such as experienced developers or software engineers who can help you with your projects or simply give you advice when needed.

Most online courses also allow you to join online communities where you may network and communicate with other aspiring programmers. This is a terrific method to seek aid, network, and find motivation when you don’t feel like continuing your studies.

You may also check out Geekster, which offers live online classes on various topics such as Advanced JavaScript, CSS, and HTML.


Although they are frequently used interchangeably, the words “coding” and “programming” might indicate slightly different things depending on the situation. Difference between coding and programming. Writing lines of code is referred to as “coding,” whereas “programming” refers to the whole process of creating software, which also includes problem-solving, planning, and testing.

If you’ve gotten this far, you should know where to spend your time and what to prioritize.

Learning to program will provide you with improved problem-solving skills, access to a broader range of job choices, and increased earning potential. Doesn’t it sound good? Remember to have fun, stay motivated, and continue to study. Best wishes on your programming adventure!


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.