Know What All A Ruby Developer Can Contribute To Your Product Development 

Know What All A Ruby Developer Can Contribute To Your Product Development 

Hiring the best tech skill is presently very competitive in the tech world, especially if you are looking for a talent with extensive knowledge in a specific technology, for instance, Ruby on Rails.

Ruby developers are sought after because of the popularity of the Ruby programming language. The vast majority of the top Ruby developers are either already employed or working with a better-compensated project than what you are offering. Hire a professional ruby on rails developer can help you to build high-performance web applications, both front and back-end.

Why Use Ruby On Rails (RoR)?

Ruby programming language is an open-source, interpreted, object-oriented, and very high-level programming language (VHLL).

The primary thought behind Ruby was to make a programming language that resembles writing codes in plain English. You can write functions with only a couple of Ruby commands that otherwise would take many lines of code with other high-level languages.

Ruby allows rapid development by simplifying repetitive tasks. A developer can use the language for other purposes as well, for example, data analysis, database manipulation, and web servers. But for the most part, it is used to create dynamic websites and web applications with the help of the Ruby on Rails framework.

When you set your project goal or before you hire Ruby developers, you should know some advantages that contribute to Ruby on Rails popularity.

Benefits Of Ruby On Rails

Now, Let’s take a look at some benefits of Ruby on Rails –

  1. Cost-effective – Ruby on Rails is an open-source framework that means it is 100% free. If you look at it from the developer’s perspective, it is an easy to use framework that can save plenty of time and effort.
  2. Massive community and resources – With a large community supporting the language, there are already many ready-made solutions available publicly. A large number of these solutions are tested by community members, in turn reducing the need of developing some solutions from scratch. A community is the best way for developers to help each other or get updated with new releases.
  3. Secure – The framework already comes with built-in security measures. So, when a developer starts the Ruby on Rails development, they are following a secure development process.
  4. Flexibility – Rails allows simplified development of frontend and backend. For instance, Rails can be used to create the backend, whereas any other frameworks can be used to create the frontend. This way the application development becomes very flexible.
  5. Productivity – Ruby allows to effortlessly integrate with third-party libraries that help in building features quickly. In turn, making it one of the most productive and easy languages for developers.
  6. Consistent – RoR has standardized programming conventions that keep the project organized and easily decipherable.
  7. An abundance of free plugins – A large repository of free plugins, usually referred to as gems is an added advantage.
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Now that we are clear with the benefits, you know why you should opt for the Ruby on Rails framework for your application development or why to hire Ruby developers for it.

How To Use Ruby On Rails?

If you are planning to embark on your own journey with rails, here are some resources that can teach you how to use Ruby on Rails.

  • Codecademy
  • org
  • Github
  • YouTube
  • Ruby

Hire Ruby Developers With The Following Qualities And Skills

To hire Ruby developers who are good can truly contribute to your product development troublesome task. There is a great deal of Ruby on Rail developers available, however, picking the right one who can offer an effective contribution can be tough.

Here are some of the skills that you must look for:

1. Project understanding –

When you understand the project requirement, you can understand the prerequisites to hire Ruby developers. A decent knowledge of Object-Oriented Programming is a fundamental piece of Ruby on Rails development process. So when you hire developers it is important to make sure that they know the difference between composition and inheritance.

2. Ruby on Rails skills

While intending to hire Ruby developers, make certain to test the following skills:

  • MVC architecture

MVC is a pattern for the architecture where M represents Models to deal with data and logic, V represents Views that handle graphical interface, and C represents Controller that handles the UI and application.

  •  Dynamic record

It is notable as one of the components of Ruby on Rails, Active Record provides an interface where it allows to manipulate databases without SQL.

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3. Front-end development skills

Front-end advancement is liable for the way your site or web application looks to the clients. So planning your application or site such that it contributes to your client’s requirement is important. Keeping all UI/UX components as the main priority, you need to hire Ruby developers who have both experience and expertise.

4. JavaScript

This high-level programming language is constantly required in web development. So a decent knowledge of the language will be a huge advantage.


When working with Ruby on Rails, HTML is required the most. When creating web applications, Rails combines Ruby language with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. So, make sure that the candidate has brilliant HTML skills.

6. Database Skills

Site or application improvement can’t happen without a trace of the database. With regards to Ruby on Rails, SQL and PostgreSQL/MySql are the important databases.

  •  SQL

Being an expert in SQL is an added advantage to any web developer. On account of Ruby in Rails, SQL will be composed by ActiveRecord.

  • MySQL

One of the generally known databases is MySQL that is widely used in the web development world. That is the reason a Rails developer should have a complete understanding of this database.

7. Tools handling skills

Web development needs various resources in order to build a successful and dynamic application. When you are planning to hire Ruby developers, always ensure that they are good command over the following tools-

    1. Git: It’s an unquestionable requirement to have this tool for the management of code. A good developer should know how to create branches and add codes to them.
    2. Cl, Docker, and Heroku: These are the deployment tools that are essential during application development.
    3. Pivotal/Asana/Trello: If your project includes ticket management then familiarity with these tools is a must, they are designed for ticket management apps.


Employing developers is not an easy task; a thorough assessment is necessary to get the right fit for your team. The above-mentioned points can help you a great deal in your recruitment process.

If you are planning to hire Ruby developers, take a look at With Turing, you can hire pre-vetted and high quality senior remote developers within a matter of days.


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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