Our Top 7 PC Games Coming Out in 2022

Our Top 7 PC Games Coming Out in 2022

With the emergence of new generation consoles and the amazing graphics and capabilities they have – it is no surprise that gamers around the world are excited about the latest releases in games. There are a few releases coming in 2022 that we are particularly keen on giving a go!

The gaming industry has seen a huge growth in the past few years – we spoke to TechQuarters, a trusted IT Provider in the UK who provide IT Support for Small Business Solutions in London – they’ve noted how gaming companies are depending on their support more and more as the gaming industry continues to grow.

Gaming Companies are becoming more and more reliant on IT Support, even making use of Outsourced IT Support has become much more the norm within the industry. When chatting to award-winning Managed Services Provider London Provider, TechQuarters, they’ve noted that many gaming companies are relying on professional IT Support to manage their cloud-databases and datacentres in order to let them focus on the more important things that are actually in their job descriptions and not have to worry about IT issues.

We know how hard these gaming companies and their developers are working – so it’s great to give them the recognition they deserve in terms of hyping up some of the newest releases, here are some of the one’s we’re looking most forward to:

Ark 2 – Studio: Studio Wildcard

This story-driven cinematic game features Vin Diesel’s beloved character, Santiago as he figures out how to get cars in Ark 2.

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Pragmata – Studio: Capcorn

This is something entirely new from Capcorn – following the journey of an astronaut in a space suit, you’ll wander through streets of an abandoned city and use some seriously cool tech along the way too.

Destiny 2: Lightfall – Studio: Bungie

Lightfall is releasing a trilogy of expansions next year – we’ve been getting hints from the developers that there will be a possible major reworking of the current ‘Light’ subclasses that lovers of this game have come to know.

No matter what your gaming style is – 2022 promises to be a year of new releases and upgraded technology and hardware to make the gaming experience better as a whole. Here’s hoping that 2022 is full of exciting, game-changing experiences for us – we cannot wait to dive into some of these great releases next year. Which game are you most excited about giving a try?


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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