Receding Hairline: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

The first step to take when you notice that your hairline is receding is to understand what is causing it. There are a few different reasons why this might be happening.
What Causes Receding Hairline?
For example, the most common cause of a receding hairline in men and women under 40 years old is male pattern baldness. This type of baldness typically starts with thinning at the front or temple area, followed by more extensive loss in these areas over time.
Other causes can include hormonal changes, medications, illnesses such as thyroid disease or lupus erythematosus (SLE), stress or extreme weight loss.
The most important thing to remember is that you should not panic. There are many treatments available, some of which can be done right at home with minimal cost or effort on your part. If the hair loss is caused by thyroid disease for example, then changing medication may help restore hair growth and improve overall health as well. However, if it is caused by male pattern baldness, then there are more options which you can consider below.
A simple way to check on your hair’s progress is with a comb or brush and mirror. Make sure that the lighting in the room isn’t too bright as this may distort what you see. A magnifying glass might be helpful for closer inspection of individual hairs if required. Keep an eye out for any changes over time so that potential problems can be addressed before they become serious concerns.
If you notice thinning at your temples or crown area, look closely at whether these areas seem wider than usual (possible diffuse shedding). Also look out for possible bare patches along your hair line where it curves around behind each ear (fronto-temporal recession).
How Can You Stop Receding Hairlines?
The good news is that there are many options available to help control or stop hair loss, some of which can be done at home with minimal cost.
Here are a few suggestions: firstly you could try applying diluted apple cider vinegar three times daily to the scalp and leave it on for ten minutes before washing out thoroughly. This may help remove excess sebum from your hair follicles as well as any remaining dandruff flakes. Secondly, give your hair an occasional deep conditioner treatment using either avocado oil (for dry/damaged hair), coconut oil (repair split ends) or olive oil (to nourish). Thirdly, the key is to take care of yourself both inside and outside so that you remain healthy and stress free-exercise, drink plenty of water and eat a balanced diet.
A reputable hair specialist would be able to offer more extensive advice on what is causing your hair loss, possible remedies and any other options available for you to consider. They will also provide helpful information on how often new hairs grow in after treatment has begun so that you can see the difference it makes over time.
Remember that patience is required when dealing with something like this as it may take several months or even years before improvement becomes noticeable (depending upon the condition). It’s important not to become discouraged at times like these by remembering why you started caring about your appearance in the first place; because life is too short-so make every day count!
How to Stop a Receding Hairline?
You can do a lot of simple yet effective things to stop a receding hairline. Let’s take a look at some of the things steps you can take.
Eat a Healthy Diet
Your diet is a big part of how your hair will turn out. Healthy fats, proteins and other nutrients from foods such as fish, lean meats, nuts and whole grains are all excellent for helping you get healthy hair that looks great.
Avoid Stress and Get Enough Sleep
Stress has been known to cause significant changes in the body including hormonal imbalances which can lead to loss of hair. Get plenty of sleep at night so that you have enough energy throughout the day while avoiding stress where possible.
Herbal Remedies and Natural Treatments
You can make a few natural remedies at home using common household items. Try mixing apple cider vinegar with water and apply it to your scalp before washing out thoroughly after ten minutes. You could also try applying coconut oil directly to the thinning area three times daily for about five weeks or so, then switching over to olive oil mixed in equal parts with castor oil if you want.
Medication and Hair Transplantation
There are a lot of medications that can be used to stop hair loss and they often work better if you use them along with natural treatments as well. You may also find it helpful to talk with your doctor about getting a transplantation procedure done for those areas where the most significant thinning has occurred.
It is very important to stop a receding hairline when it starts to happen. There are many ways to do this, I have listed a few above that you can try at home or seek professional advice if needed. Remember anything is possible with the right help!