How to check electricity bill online in Pakistan

With thanks to technological advancement, it is now possible to check electricity bill online in Pakistan. It does not matter whatsoever your electricity distributors are! Just follow this method and check your bill online. Below we have mentioned the complete procedure, have a look at it:
Process to check electricity bill online in Pakistan:
Firstly, you have to visit the official website of your distributor. Like, it can be LESCO, SEPCO, MEPCO, GEPCO or PESCO. There are basically two ways to check your electricity bill online. First one is through mobile application. The second method is the standard method. you can check here lesco bill online checking procedure.
Checking electricity bill online through mobile application in Pakistan
- It is with the help of mobile application that you can check this bill online. If your electricity distributor is LESCO, then download their app. Or if your distributor is PESCO, then download their respective app.
- Enter your customer ID or reference number and hit on the button stating View Bill! This reference number is composed of 14 digits. Enter it correctly and see your bill status.
- This is the easiest and quickest way to check out your electricity bill. This method even permits you to take out the print out copy of your bill.
- The minute you are going to enter your reference number, you will be instantly provided with you online electricity.
- Apart from checking your bill online, these electricity distributors offer facilities to pay bill online as well. Click here to check online
Checking electricity bill online through standard method in Pakistan
Visit the official website of your electricity distributor and reach to consumer bill option. Enter your reference number and get your bill online. If your distributor is Lahore Electric Supply Company, then you should be visiting their official website online and not anyone else. Reference number is a 14 digit number and it is easily located on your previous bill. Checking bill online and paying it online, these facilities are offered by this standard method too.
List of companies offering facility to check electricity bill online
- Karachi Electric Supply Company
- Lahore Electric Supply Company
- Peshawar Electric Supply Company
- Quetta Electric Supply Company
- Faisalabad Electric Supply Company
- Multan Electric Supply Company
- Gujranwala Electric Supply Company
- Hyderabad Electric Supply Company
- Islamabad Electric Supply Company
Now, we can say that all of these electricity distributors have brought a lot of ease and convenience for their customers. The above methods are mentioned to you. Now, it is up to you whether you want to choose standard method or mobile application method.
Moreover, in case you have lost your electric bill, then you can have the duplicate copy of it by following the same method. Simply press the button view PDF copy of your online bill and have the print out of it.
If more advancement will be made by Pakistani electric distributors, we are going to update you. Rest, you can share with us how you check your electricity bill and through which process you pay it! Keep tuned and in touch with us.