How To Fix Oversized OST File Issues? | Softaken Software

To Fix Oversized OST File Issues users can try this application or can use manual methods for that. Although, the manual method is a complex method to go through in this post we will discuss both the method to Fix Oversized OST File Issues.
Methods to Fix Oversized OST File Issues
Users can fix their oversized OST file issues by following two ways. These ways are:
- Manual method
- Professional method
Manual method to Fix Oversized OST File Issues
For manually fixing an oversized OST file issue users have to follow the below-provided steps:
Step 1- At first, launch and start the MS Outlook
Step 2- Now, click on the “file” menu and select account settings. From the account, setting tab choose the account setting option
Step 3- From the dialog box choose the add button from the data file tab
Step 4- Now enter the name of the files with the .ost extension and click on the ok button
Step 5- Take a preview of these files in the data files tab
Step 6- Now, go to the File menu and choose the “open and export” button, and then select the “Import/Export” option
Step 7- Now an “Import and export” window will occur
Step 8- Select the “Export a file” option and then choose the next button
Step 9- Now, choose the “Outlook data file” and again click on the Next button
Step 10- Select the folder at which you want to export, if you want to include the subfolders then you can also export the subfolders
Step 11- Now, select a location to save the exported files and select the option whether you want to allow to create a duplicate item or not
With these steps, one will be able to Fix Oversized OST File Issues.
Limitations of manual method
The limitations of facing the manual method to Fix Oversized OST File Issues are provided below.
- Does not gives an accurate result
- Chances of data loss or data leakage are more
- No compatibility is provided by the tool
- Chances of data loss or data leakage are more
Professional method to Fix Oversized OST File Issues
And with these few simple steps, users are able to Fix Oversized OST File Issues comfortably and easily. Non-tech users can also follow up on these steps comfortably.
Why choose the professional method?
Users must go through with the professional method to Fix Oversized OST File Issues as:
- Great accuracy is provided by the application
- No data error is caused
- There are no chances of data corruption
- Split files can be saved at any location as per choice
- No obligations are faced by the users
- Bulk splitting of the files can be done by the application
- Compatible with any user
- Provides a graphical user interface to the users
Brief knowledge about the application
With Softaken OST to PST Converter application users are able to get an instant result with this application. Without any error, an accurate result is provided by the tool. Also, using the application any amount of oversized OST files can be fixed, this saves a lot of time for the users. No obligations are faced using this amazing tool. Apart from it, users are able to use this tool in any of the Windows Operating Systems this tool can be used. Users find this application a worth-it tool as in just a few easy steps users can fix Oversized OST File Issues.
Rapidly all the oversized OST files can be fixed using this amazing application.
Features of the app
Here are the various features that are provided by this application for the reliability of the users. These features are:
- Great accuracy: Without any kind of error, users are able to Fix Oversized OST File Issues as an accurate result is provided by the application. No obligations are faced by the tool in the entire process.
- No size issues: Users are able to Fix Oversized OST File Issues without any hurdle. From small OST files to big size OST files can be fixed using this application.
Final statement
Try this application out by going through the free demo version of the application which provides a rough knowledge about the application. The licensed version of the application is also provided which helps in splitting any amount of OST files. A 24*7 hrs. help service is also provided by the application for the reliability of the users.