TechGuide: How to Choose a Keyboard

Today’s article is about how to choose the right keyboard. At first glance, there is nothing complicated about choosing a keyboard. But there is no such thing: as always, there are pitfalls. Everybody has different needs – some need to type reports fast, some need to play games at, and some need to program, for example, so the question of which peripheral to choose arises.
1. How Do You Type?
The choice should be based on your typing abilities and frequency of use of the keyboard. If you spend a lot of time at the computer, talk a lot, or just work typing, then you need an expensive keyboard. It will be easier for you to work on it and your work efficiency will increase many times over with a good peripheral. That’s for sure and there are no reservations. But in case you don’t type a lot, a cheap option will be enough based on just a few tips listed below.
2. Keyboard to Melomaniacs
Now it’s time for a more in-depth look at keyboard options. If you like listening to music or sit on the Internet often, buy a keyboard with extra features. There are plenty of options out there now, which, by the way, don’t ruin the quality of the keyboard itself, like a classic keyboard, but have a number of features for adjusting the sound, switching songs, opening a browser, checking email, etc. All of these features will simplify your life as a gamer or audiophile and the cost of such a keyboard will not be too expensive.
3. Key Stiffness
Deciding on a keyboard with extra features or lack thereof, think about the convenience, after all, you have to type all the time. Try to put pressure on the keys in the store, whether they bang easily. Do they make a sound, because sometimes you press them silently, and that is not convenient at all? The keys should be a little harder to press and you should be able to feel that they click. But do not buy a keyboard with tight keys, this is also bad.
4. Key Height
Keys should be middle height, too big or small – uncomfortable, although you can get used to everything, but why?
5. A Handstand
Old and new professional keyboards had a small slide in front of them, a stand for comfortable hands. In the case of long hours typing, this is quite a handy thing, try it, it may be your choice.
6. Color of Letters
The design itself, the color of the keyboard can be different. This is a matter of taste and harmony with other parts of the computer. If your computer is all black, then a white keyboard will not fit nicely under it. Although there is no difference, the eyes do not get used to it. The main thing is to look at the color of the letters. After all, we have English and Russian characters, which should always be different in color and be visible. This is especially important for people who peek at the keyboard when typing. If the letters of both languages are the same color, you get a lot of anguish, your eyes will get tired and you will be constantly confused. After all, the letters “M” and “M” of the English and Russian layout will be exactly the same.
7. Density of The Keys
The keys themselves have basically the same density, but the additional keys are often too densely placed. Select the keyboard so that by pressing the cursor keys, you do not have the opportunity to affect the adjacent numbers from the additional row of digits and keys Delete, End, Page Down, which are often placed in close proximity to the fingers.
8. Be Afraid of the “Off” Key
Often there are keyboards where the keys to turn off the computer, reboot, turn on sleep mode, are immediately above the keys to control the cursor. These are the most horrible variants, it’s impossible to get used to them. If you don’t want to accidentally shut down your computer, discard these choices instantly.
9. Ergonomic Keyboards for Typists
There are “broken” keyboards, where the left and right sides either slant or diverge for each hand separately. These keyboards are perfect for typesetters, they are comfortable, easy, and fast to type with. Hands don’t get tired and are the most efficient in terms of ergonomics. But they are suitable only for typesetters who know how to type in the blind 10-finger way. And even these people have to get used to a “broken” keyboard. If you type a lot, buy this one. Once you get used to it, you will feel the advantage of such keyboards. When you type a little and two or four fingers, do not bother, this keyboard is not for you. Also, note that the prices of these keyboards are 10 times higher than the conventional options.
10. Connection
The keyboard connects to your computer in two of the most popular ways: via a ps/2 connector or USB. There used to be an AT connector, but it’s long gone. And, when choosing, look at what your computer supports. Newer models may not have a ps/2 input, for example, or you have only one USB connector (useful for flash drives). It is better to be prepared for such troubles, although in truth it is all trifles. The number of USB inputs can be easily increased by the splitter, and in the absence of ps/2, you can connect through an adapter (adapters are now any). When selecting a keyboard the only thing you need to understand is about the jacks on the back of the system unit. If your choice falls on a keyboard with a ps/2 connection, but you do not have it, then immediately buy the adapter, which costs a penny, not bothering about the absence of the necessary jacks.