How Drones and AI in the Security Industry Can Transform Traditional Way of Security Operations

How Drones and AI in the Security Industry Can Transform Traditional Way of Security Operations

Artificial Intelligence, since its introduction, has been a subject of interest across sectors  throughout the globe. AI can be characterized as a mechanism that engages and  empowers the machines to accomplish tasks without or minimal human intervention.  Attributable to the incredibly enabling mechanisms offered by AI, machines have  become extremely shrewd and have drastically cut down the workload spread out  across systems and administrations.

From science to business and further away to many other segments of services, AI has  proved to be a revolution of sorts, prompting a superior lifestyle. Businesses across the  world have benefited and the word about AI got stronger over the years. One sector  which has predominantly displayed a very welcoming warmth towards AI is the Security  Industry.

of Security Operations

Here, we discuss the developments brought in by AI, its advantages over the  traditional ways of security and how it can transform the traditional scenario in the  sector.

Security Industry and AI

Speaking of the security sector, the market stats reveal it to be a business slated to arrive at the $120.3 billion mark in another 5 years. The astonishingly gigantic numbers are a  consequence of the frequent terrorist attacks and many other sorts of threats which  have brought forward the need to have a more robust security framework in place. With drones being a well-received component of AI, the security segment is looking to  elevate the measures it had already embraced.

The consolidation of AI with drones utilizes information from sensors in the drone to  gather and execute visual and geographical information. This information empowers  autonomous flight which in turn makes the activity simpler. This facility has largely

contributed in drones becoming integral to organizations and people, in general. Drone  can be termed as one of the most pragmatic contributions to the security industry which  utilize AI.

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Advantages of Drones Over Traditional Techniques

The regular methods which involved manned security gates or the various kinds of aerial  imagery (including high oblique aerial photographs, low oblique aerial photographs or  radar imagery) have absolutely been taken over by the AI integrated surveillance  system. Although the traditional methods have been prevalent for a long time, the  upsurge in the criminal invasion in recent times calls for more stringent  implementations. Besides, there are diverse advantages an AI-based application offers.  Let’s take a look.

  • Cost-Efficient: A comparison with the good old aerial imagery concludes with drones attaining an advantage in terms of costs. The image procurement was an expensive affair, which went to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars. With the advent of technology, the drones today offer a truly moderate price, starting  from $2000 or even less. If low on budget, you can even get the best drone for under 200.
  • Remote Supervision and Monitoring: The vicinity or the area can be monitored from the security cabins with the help of drones; thereby, reducing the effort and response-time, and improving security. This works excellently well,  especially when there is a limited number of hired staff. Even the drone in a box technology can be used to fully automate the security operations without any human intervention.

Remote Supervision and Monitoring

  • Noise-free: With brushless motors and vibration-dampening mechanisms, the new-age drones have been suitably designed for security purposes, without giving away any hints to the intruder.
  • Highly Responsive: A drone can accomplish the task of evidence-gathering in a fraction of time which could lead to capturing the infiltrator or even a possible arrest.
  • After-Dark Surveillance: With the introduction of FLIR (Forward Looking InfraRed) along with various other night-vision image capturing tools, has led to an even more decisive surveillance. With these low-cost drones, monitoring in  the dark has become more feasible.
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Illustrations through Use-cases

There have been numerous instances that showcase the multi-faceted utility of drones  in surveillance; some of which can be enumerated as follows:

  • Perimeter Guarding: Intrusion is one of the top reasons for tightening the security around a residential or a commercial establishment. With the autonomous drones, perimeter guarding has received an upgrade. The security  personnel can monitor the video grabs on screens to ensure a clear vicinity,  devoid of any unidentified and unwanted intrusion.
  • Airport Monitoring: An airport is a place which sees a huge number of visitors and multiple processes being carried out 24*7. A drone deployed at strategic points across the airport certainly acts as a powerful security mechanism, especially around the runway, hanger among other spots.
  • Under-construction site monitoring: A remote inspection assisted by a drone is not only user-friendly but also eases up the process of supervision. This is true for monitoring large infrastructure and establishments including under construction sites which would otherwise be difficult to monitor.
  • Traffic Inspection: Drones can be immensely useful in gaining an insight into the traffic conditions. These could be used by anybody who requires to take a drive around the corner.
  • Efficient Anti-poaching tool: Anti-poaching drones have demonstrated to be very beneficial in safeguarding critically endangered species including the Rhinos, Tigers, Elephants. These drones greatly assist the park rangers in monitoring  activities which are detrimental to wildlife; thus, eliminating chances of  occurrences of unlawful activities.’

Efficient Anti-poaching tool

Security Sector: Coming of Age

With manual operations making way for AI and newer technologies, DiaB (Drone-in-a Box) is another excellent advancement which dramatically reduces the incurred costs  and time. This eventually, largely boosts the ROI.

Monitoring, supervising, and initiating a suitable response in real time has never been  easier or more convenient.


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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