How To Fix “UI Failed to load” Error In AVG On Windows 10 and XP  

How To Fix “UI Failed to load” Error In AVG On Windows 10 and XP  

Steps on How to Fix “UI Failed to load” Error in AVG On Windows 10 and XP  

An antivirus is a great tool for your PC or laptop protection from multiple cyber threats. Yet, they too faced some internal or external problems. Similarly, if you use AVG software, then you may have come across a “UI Failed to load” error. When you see this problem, it leaves your screen grey and creates issues while running a system scan. It comes with a pop-up note:   

“This is very embarrassing. AV Service is not responding.”  

When you get this issue, we suggest you quit the application and restart it. Although, there might be a possibility that your problem doesn’t resolve even by doing this. Yet, you don’t have to worry as we have compiled a list of practical solutions of How to Fix “UI Failed to load” Error in AVG On Windows 10 and XP, which can fix the error code quickly.

Why are you facing the AVG Antivirus UI Failed to Load issue?  

The UI failed error is very complex as this doesn’t get rid away quickly even if you try to restart the suite. When you get this message, your PC will stop running the program. Lastly, the PC will lose its security from threats and malware.   

Misconfiguration in your Window services can result in this error. Mostly Windows 10 and XP OS users face this error code. If you try to repair the window, it can give you brief results. Yet, this will not fix the error code. A permanent fix of uninstalling and reinstalling the suite can work out to solve the problem.  

Solutions to resolve the UI unable to load error:  

Now you know the trigger point of the issue, you must apply the right steps to fix it. To solve the error, you must do the steps given below in the right way. If you fail to solve the glitch, you might end up losing your system files.  

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Method 1: Edit your Settings of the Windows Services 

When you see the remote desktop service and the startup type is not set in the automatic mode, the issue can arise. To change your service startup type in Windows 10, do follow the below steps:  

  • Hit the Windows+R to start the Run dialogue box.  
  • In the box, type “services. MSC” in the field.   
  • Now, once you enter it, do make a Hit on the ok option.  
  • The services window will start on your desktop screen.  
  • Next, look for Remote Desktop Services in the menu.   
  • Afterwards, right-click on it and click on the properties.  
  • Once you enter the tab, move to the General section.  
  • Now, set the startup type as automatic.  
  • Select the apply option and hit on the ok to save your settings.  
  • End everything and start the AVG suite to see if the error note gets fixed or not.  

Change Background Intelligent Transfer Service and Services Terminal Server in the XP OS:  

To edit the settings startup type in your Windows XP, do the given steps:  

  • Go to the Start menu and click on the run to initiate the Run dialogue box. 
  • Enter services. MSC in the field and tap on the ok.  
  • Search for the terminal server in the list of services and choose properties. 
  • Once you enter the properties screen, go to the General tab.  
  • Besides the startup type, click on the drop-down menu and choose the automatic option from the list.  
  • Now, select the apply option and choose the ok option.  
  • Next, move back to the services screen again and search for background intelligent transfer service.  
  • When you get the item, do the same process again.  
  • Lastly, restart your system and see if the error is solved or not.  
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 Method 2: Try to repair the program with the default repairing Tool: 

  • Go to the Control Panel 
  • Now, browse the programs and features. 
  • Open the installed programs list on the PC.  
  • Search for AVG antivirus and double-click on it. 
  • Now, choose the uninstall option. 
  • If the AVG dashboard starts, select the repair option. 
  • Do the on-screen commands to end the repairing method.  
  • At last, restart the application and see if the problem gets fixed or not. 

Method 3: Remove and Reinstall your antivirus program: 

You can try to clear all the suits parts and then reinstall the antivirus to fix the problem. When the user tried to install the suite with the help of AVG clear, they saw their issue getting fixed. Also, one can uninstall the system manually from the PC. To do this, follow below steps: 

  • Visit the control panel. 
  • Now, browse the list of installed apps. 
  • Now, click on AVG software and choose to uninstall.  

After you have performed the above steps, you must restart the PC at least once. We hope that our blog will prove helpful in fixing the UI failed to load problem.  There are a number of computer errors you deal with everyday. For a proper guide on your PC software and errors you might face with them, appzforpc is your got-to website.  The error can create needless barriers in your work while reducing your system strength. So, we suggest you follow the actions to use your software without any kind of hurdles. 


Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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