MacBook Battery Recommendation Service 

MacBook Battery Recommendation Service 

MacBooks are one of the most preferred technical devices in recent times. Day by day the use of the Macbooks has become very popular overseas as well as in India, though being very costly Not only are they technically strong but also very user-friendly so that you can carry them wherever you go, without much hassle. But still, they are not completely flawless, people often face some technical glitches as well as hardware problems with their Macbook device. Among many other technical problems, the MacBook battery problem is one of the most frequently occurring issues faced by plenty of MacBook users. Let’s discuss some common issues and their solutions that might help to overcome this situation!

Common Issues & Their Potential Solutions with MacBook Battery:

Most MacBook users have faced some major to minor issues with their batteries. Here are some issues and their solutions cited in the next section.

#1. Overuse of Battery: 

In recent times, most of the official work is done through our computer devices. And due to the work from culture, you have to use your mac much more than usual. Sometimes, you might be surprised to notice that your Macbook’s battery is draining very fast. This problem occurs either due to the usage of a large app on your device or you are running multiple apps at a single time.

You can solve this issue on your own by doing a  small fix. All you need to do is to look at the power usage of the apps, running on your device. By choosing the battery icon on the top right corner of your Mac, you can see the power usage of the recently used apps. Now, you can get a clear idea of which apps are gobbling the most power from your mac and you can take necessary actions by stopping the number of apps you are using and also you can reduce the amount of multitasking you are doing.

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#2 Wrong MacBook settings:

The MacBook’s user interface is generally different from your usual laptop device. If you are using a MacBook for the first time, then you might not be aware of some small settings bug or technical fixes.  The default settings of your Mac are sometimes the most detrimental factor for excessive power use. You have to do some basic changes to your settings which can be very useful to save battery power, which are discussed as follows.

  • Turning on Bluetooth: Maybe you always have turned on Bluetooth on your Mac, though you aren’t using it all the time. This can lead to more power consumption and you have to turn off the Bluetooth when you are not pairing it with other devices. You can do this by clicking the “Bluetooth” icon on the top menu bar of your Macbook and then click “Turn Off Bluetooth”. This will definitely help to save your Mac battery power usage.
  • Always using High Brightness: You may have a habit of working with the high brightness of your Mac screen. But, always using your device with high brightness leads to more power usage. To reduce the screen brightness all you need to do is, to press the F1 key from the keyboard if you are using an old Mac, and for new Macbook Pros, you need to press the “smaller-sun icon” that is present in the touchpad.
  • Keeping the Keyboard Backlight on: If you are using MacBook Pro, then you must have a beautiful lightning keyboard, which makes it look more gorgeous. You may be getting used to keeping the keyboard light on every time when you are using your Mac, sometimes in daylight also. But, keeping the keyboard light on, even in daylight, will lead to more power usage. You must consider adjusting the Keyboard light, by pressing the “F5 function key”.
  • Energy Saver Preferences: When you are using your Mac continuously for your work, you may have forgotten to turn on the power saver mode, which leads to high power drainage. You can change it from the system preference by choosing the “Energy-Saving” mode. You may also reduce the time taken by your Mac to sleep, which also helps to save battery.
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#3 Poor Storage Methods:

When you aren’t using a Mac for a long time and keep it intact for a longer time, with or without a battery, it affects your Mac battery significantly. Also, if you are using the mac with less than 20% charge consecutively for two days, it also has a negative effect on battery life.

In this case, you have to charge your Mac properly whether you are using it or not. With Lithium-ion batteries in the MacBook Pro,  you have to charge it at least 50% before keeping it stored for a few days. When you have to store your mac more than several months, you have to charge it to 50% every six months to avoid losing battery capacity. This charging instruction varies depending upon which model of Mac you are using, but regular charging will definitely make your Mac battery life healthier.

#4 Faulty wall Adapter: 

Sometimes the adapter of Mac may not work properly or maybe the problem is with your Mac system. In most cases, the error occurs from inside your mac, but in some cases, the adapter may also get damaged. If the LED display on the charger is turning on and Mac isn’t charging then the problem is definitely with your Mac.

To solve this issue you need to change the plugin connector where you are charging your MacBook or you need to clean the MagSafe connector and the charging pin. If trying all these won’t solve your issue, you may have to change the adapter.

#5. Poor Battery condition:

This is the last and utmost situation that may occur with your Mac Battery. Your Mac battery may run out of its life span and stop working. In this case, you have to change your battery from an authorised service centre.


All of these are the most probable scenarios for your MacBook Battery issues. The most

feasible solutions for the problems are discussed here. In case you aren’t being able to solve the problems on your own, you can visit the MacBook service centre in Lucknow. If you find this information helpful, kindly revert us back in the comment section.



Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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