Top 5 JavaScript Frameworks to Use in 2021

Top 5 JavaScript Frameworks to Use in 2021

You must be familiar with the fact that every programming language has frameworks. These frameworks are those extensions in which app developers can add extra functions to previously user-written code. And JavaScript frameworks are those frameworks through which a programmer can manipulate the functions of the written code.

And use them as per the user convenience. If you are a developer using JS frameworks, you must know the top trending frameworks used in 2021. Here in this study, you will get to know about some of the top-notch frameworks of JS.

Top 5 JavaScript Frameworks to Use for Web Development

  1. React JS

The Angular JS framework is another most popular framework. This JS framework has gained immense popularity within a short duration of time. And it is because of the dynamic UIs that it offers. React JS is a framework developed by Facebook. So, it provides high informing traffic with engaging UIs. So, if you are a developer developing web pages, you can get highly interactive user interfaces that attract a lot of traffic. The best part about this framework is it uses the virtual DOM. So, this makes the integration of apps easier.

Features of React JS

Declarative- the most preeminent feature of React is; it offers you declarative views to make your code readable and find out bugs. Further, it also creates highly interactive UIs for web apps and mobile apps that make it more convenient for the users. It also renders the adequate components when there is any change in data. This, as a result, makes it more popular among the mobile app developers USA.

Event managing- React also includes compatibility with W3C objects. And it also offers the developers a cross-browser interface to create a native event. So, if you are worried about unsuited event names and fields, you must use React.

JSX– if you are already using JS, you must be aware of JSX. This is a feature in React JS that helps you write react components easier. This is because; it offers you almost the same syntax as the HTML used in the webpage.

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Performance- When you are talking about performance, there is no comparison of React. It uses one-way data binding to make the apps more efficient.

  1. Mithril

Next on the list is Mithril. This is also a reputed JS framework that is mainly used for developing all single-page applications. And as there are no derived functions from the base, this JS framework is more convenient to use. However, somehow Mithril is similar to React. So, if you are already using React, you can also use Mithril.

Features of Mithril

Full-stack solution-Just like the Meteor JS, this framework also offers you full-stack development. That means you can use it to develop any type of web app development.

Database integration- This JS framework also offers you database integration. Besides, you can also find many other features like high performance, speed, and efficiency.

  1. Node JS

This JS framework is a server-side JS runtime environment. It is an exclusive free cross-platform development framework that also offers you many features. In fact, one of the undisputed features of Node JS is; it is capable of running the Asynchronous I/O. Besides, as this framework operates under the runtime environment of JS, you can find many properties like threading, packaging, loop forming, and many more.

Features of Node JS

Fast- The library of Node is no doubt one of the fastest developing frameworks. And when it comes to execution, this framework comes with Google’s V8 JavaScript engine. So, imagine how faster it could be?

I/O asynchronous- This is the only feature why most of the app developers USA use Node JS. This is because; most of the APIs that you use are asynchronous. So, they don’t wait for the APIs to return. But on the other hand, Node Keeping calling APIs one by one before moving on to the next API.

No buffering– the framework is highly optimized. So, you don’t find any sort of buffering while using Node JS. It also follows an event mechanism. So, this makes it prone to respond quickly in a non-blocking manner.

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Open source– Node JS is also a free developing framework. And it offers you all the advanced features. So, if you are a developer, you can use it without making any payment.

  1. Aurelia

This framework is the latest version of JS. And the best part about using this framework is that you can implement it at any interface you want. That is why most of the developers use Aurelia to develop next-gen applications.

Features of Aurelia

  • The components in Aurelia are its building blocks. It is composed of JS view-model pairs.
  • Besides, it is also one of the most cleanly modern-day frameworks that eliminate all the unwanted abstractions.
  • This JS framework also supports commercial and enterprises.
  1. Meteor

This is another one of the best JavaScript frameworks that offer you complete efficiency. As the name suggests, it encases the most significant part of software development. Using the framework will provide you with essential areas like back-end development, database management, business logic, and front-end rendering.

Features of Meteor JS

Full-stack solution- the unbeatable feature about Meteor is, it offers you a full-stack solution. That means; you can use it to develop high-end web apps. It also has some additional features like automated CSS, reactive templates, JS minifications, and many more.

A development ecosystem-if you think that Meteor is only a JS development framework, you might be wrong. This is because; it is an exclusive free isomorphic development ecosystem. So, this concludes that all the developers can use it to make any app from scratch. And as it has all the front end and Back end components, it makes it even easier for you.

Front development- Meteor is one of those JS frameworks that have another front-end development framework integrated into it. Yes! You are guessing it. It is Blaze JS. Blaze JS has many features that offer you all the modern-day front-end frameworks.

Wrapping Up

Now, you know about the top frameworks for web app development. Study them carefully, know your requirements and choose the one most suitable for your project.

Author Bio:

Pratik Kanada

CEO of 360 Degree Technosoft, a top android & ios app development company USA. Writes about Leadership, Start-up Quests, Social Media, Latest Tech Trends and Mobile Applications.



Shankar is a tech blogger who occasionally enjoys penning historical fiction. With over a thousand articles written on tech, business, finance, marketing, mobile, social media, cloud storage, software, and general topics, he has been creating material for the past eight years.

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